
Lichang New Materials R&D Capability · Patent

Date: 2022-5-6   Click: 3552 times

Lichang New Materials focuses on core technology research and development, constantly improves core competitiveness, and is committed to becoming a manufacturer of fluorine-containing new materials with stronger professional ability and larger scale. The company invested in the construction of 3600 square meters of fluorine-containing new material engineering technology research and development center, identified as "Jiangxi Provincial enterprise Technology center". Equipped with an independent testing center, including physical performance, electrical performance, micro analysis, weather test, process simulation test, etc.



In the context of the development of the national new material strategy, Lichang New Materials continues to develop new materials, new processes and new products. By the end of 2021, it has 2 invention patents and more than 30 utility model patents. To contribute to the competitiveness of China's new materials in the world!

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